New challenges.
New behaviors.
New you.
Learn to master perceptions through behavior modification techniques used by actors and athletes.
Increase Your Promotability
and Compensation
Has a dignified person ever caught your eye as soon as he or she walked into the room? Have you ever heard someone say, “I trusted him right away?” What are the intangible qualities that make us take notice of these individuals? Someone’s “Presence” may play a big role in your perceptions and assumptions about someone. And if you are seeking advancement in your career, developing your own presence will be very useful. It helps others take you seriously, identify opportunities for you, believe what you say, and trust you to make good decisions. To become part of the leadership team, you must look and act the part. Although we tend to focus on appearance when we talk about Professional Presence (and we will cover those basics in this course), it is the more subtle messages that we send by the way that we talk and carry ourselves that are the real drivers behind your presence. These take time to develop and practice but are well worth it. A strong presence can significantly increase your promotability and compensation.
Skills taught and practiced: Self-analysis, Sensitivity, Interpersonal, Verbal, Style, Situational, and Performance. Based on the book: You, Not I: Exceptional Presence through the Eyes of Others.
“To take my career to the next level, I was looking for a former female executive with real world C-level experience and coaching knowledge. From my research, I luckily found Jennifer! She is funny, energetic, and wise. She gave me the insights to bravely move forward to find my new home. Her guidance taught me to always operate with integrity and class.” ~ Y. Song
Additional materials include the Creating Exceptional Presence Handbook. All materials are included at no extra charge, including a certificate of completion.
Can be taught in-person or online. It is comprised of ten 90-minute sessions, combined with readings, developmental exercises, and video-analysis, with an emphasis on tactical information and tangible results.
Forbes recently reported that a study of over 4,000 leaders found that over 25% of an executive’s success could be attributed to “Executive Presence.” Yet many people have trouble describing exactly what Executive Presence is, even if they feel as though they know it when they see it. Developing this elusive quality can be particularly daunting for minorities and women. The study further reported that women find feedback about executive presence “hopelessly contradictory.” A new course has been developed to unveil the mysteries of Executive Presence and to teach you how to build your own.
Individual Coaching Provided
This intensive, customizable program includes a self-assessment to identify areas to focus on, such as gravitas, credibility, authenticity, confidence and trust. Tactical lessons will address voice, carriage, wardrobe, and language skills. Context-specific behaviors will be identified, studied, evaluated, and practiced to augment others’ positive perceptions of you. Individual coaching is provided in ten 90-minute video sessions, combined with a series of self-development activities (provided by the trainer) to be completed between the sessions.
Create Your Own Unique Presence!
As you develop your arsenal of skills to take you to the next level, make sure that a lack of presence is not holding you back. Even if others cannot define it, an expert can show you how to analyze, practice, and develop it. This program has been very successful in increasing confidence and has shown concrete results; almost all participants have taken a new job or received a pay raise within a year of completing the program.